Family and Baby Photographer
It was great to meet Jake just before Christmas to photograph him with his family. Jake is at that lovely age where children really enjoy playing so we make sure that we have a few things in the studio that can be played with ! As well as our teddy bear collection we now have a lovely boat that is proving very popular with children of all ages.
As well as photographing your child on their own it is always nice to photograph everyone together as a family. Sometimes this is easier said than done because children don’t always want to sit down with their parents and have their photograph taken ! By¬†introducing¬†play into the session we have found that it helps everyone relax and have a great time. Children always have a favourite song or game that they like to play with their parents and this helps us to capture very relaxed photographs of your child.
It is always lovely for children to bring some of their favourite toys with them as well. When you look back on these photographs in the future it will remind them (and you !) quite what their favourite teddy looked like when new. I still¬†have¬†a soft toy panda that was given to me by my god father on my first birthday. My panda doesn’t have any fur left and is showing¬†definite¬†signs of 40+ years of “love” but my parents still have some photographs of me cuddling this panda on my first birthday. I think it is fair to say we have both aged a bit !
We have another busy day in the studio today with families. This includes one of our First Birthday “cake smash” sessions, I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone again for what will be quite a messy day !
Anyway, these are a couple of photographs from Jake’s family portrait session.