SWPP Convention 2015
I was thrilled to be asked to speak again at the SWPP Convention in London next year; this will be the fifth year that I have been invited to speak. The SWPP Convention is the largest annual photographic convention of its type in Europe and it is normally a fairly hectic week !
This year I will be giving two masterclasses as well as a superclass. The Superclass is for a maximum of 15 people and gives me a whole 4 hours, a chance to go in to much more detail that the normal hour and a half that you get for a Masterclass 🙂
The class details are now online as is the booking form !
Friday 16th January 10:00 – 11:30 – Selling Albums and Easy Album Design
Saturday 17th January 08:00 – 09:30 – Post Wedding Workflow using Lightroom
Sunday 18th January 14:00 – 18:00 – Who turned the lights out  ?
The tickets booking form can be found here
I have my hotel room booked already and I must admit I’m really looking forward to it !